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The Line

  My art has a quiet meditative character. The overall impression focuses on the linear rhythm of the line. This medative quality is reflected in the line and its rhythm. The line seems to form itself out of itself , gradually appearing in the pictorial space out of nowhere, appearing without a cause. The line on the image surface gradually appears and disappears likewise a thought or a projection that emerges and disappears, the line is like a metaphor that brings the inner projection into once own experience . In the same way it formulates the external and internal space of the viewer. You see the fleetingness of the line and at the same time this fleetingness corresponds to your own mental process of perception. In this way the line brings the transience of the inner projection into once own experience. The image surface is subtly composed of different painting structures and light color elements .Simplicity and clarity are found in an long-lasting drawing process, the line grows o